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After A Long Search The Owner Finally Finds The Missing Cat Hanging Upside Down On Tree Limbs

Outdoor activities are canceled and individuals are forced to stay at home during the Covid-19 pandemic’s lockdown. We understand that many of you find the social distance to be tedious, but trust us when we say that you are not alone.

Although most cats love cuddling and playtimes with their owners indoors, this cat appeared to be fed up with the lockup situation and opted to spend some time outside.

There would be nothing much to mention if she hadn’t played outside in such a dramatic way. The cat’s owner, Rick, shared on Reddit the strangest and funniest moment he found his missing cat after some searching failures.

Credit: Rick

He captioned the photo with, “Today we couldn’t find our cat, so we glanced out the window and…” The cat was hanging on the tree branches in such a… absurd fashion, that the shot became viral in a matter of minutes.

Credit: Rick

It received 117K upvotes and hundreds of comments in only three days. People were concerned about the amusing cat’s safety, as you might expect.

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