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Milk Carton Freshness Seals Are Cat’s Favorite Things In The Whole World

Ollie and Zero were adopted as brothers, but their parents have observed some significant contrasts in their personalities as they’ve grown up.

The pair’s mother, Callie Samuels, told The Dodo, “Zero is clearly the troublemaker.” “He’s always up for a game, getting himself into mischief, and being loud.” Ollie, on the other hand, is more of an angelic child. Ollie sits back and observes with an innocent expression on his face while Zero gets into trouble. But make no mistake: Ollie can be a bit of a prankster. Occasionally, I get the impression that the two are working in shifts to ensure that my day is as hectic as possible.”


Ollie’s personality is usually much calmer than Zero’s — except when it comes to freshness seals.

One day, Samuels pulled a freshness seal off a new carton of milk and casually tossed it to Ollie. She thought he might enjoy batting it around for a while, and had no idea that she was about to begin a lifelong obsession.


Samuels stated, “It was love at first sight.” “Ollie has been carrying it about in his mouth, batting it across the floor, and playing with it ever since.” It’s gotten to the point where whenever I take the milk out of the fridge, Ollie comes up to me meowing, and I have to tell him that he won’t be getting a new freshness seal every time.”


Ollie enjoys getting new freshness seals, but he also saves all of his old ones. He never throws away a freshness seal, and he enjoys collecting them and preserving them in unusual places.


“I’m going to find freshness seals all over the place now,” Samuels said. “You name it: under sofa cushions, on the bed, in my shoes.” It’s as though he has them stashed about the home in case he feels like playing with one at any given time.”


While Ollie is insanely passionate about freshness seals, Zero, on the other hand, has never understood the obsession. He loves getting into trouble as much as the next cat — probably more than the next cat — but freshness seals just aren’t his thing, and watching Ollie’s obsession grow and grow has only caused him more confusion.


“When Ollie is messing with the freshness seal, Zero usually sits back and watches,” Samuels explained. “If Zero even glances at Ollie when he’s playing with his freshness seal, he’ll growl and take it up in his mouth to defend it.”

Even if Zero doesn’t understand, he doesn’t pass judgment on Ollie’s preoccupation. One enjoys freshness sealing, while the other enjoys causing chaos across the house. They accept each other despite their differences and love one other unconditionally.

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