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Feral Kitten With Somber Eyes Steals a Couple’s Heart and Learns to Love

Mami, her two boys (Louie and Henry), and their cat mother were discovered in a dumpster at a high school. It was the dead of winter, and the feline family snuggled up to one other to remain warm.

They were taken in by rescuers in the hopes of finding a loving home. Mami was the most concerned. Though she was terrified of humans and would recoil away from them, she secretly wished for someone to love her.

Sinead Brooks of San Francisco and her then-boyfriend (now husband) met tiny Mami through a mutual acquaintance. It was love at first sight for both of them.

“We weren’t searching for a kitten at the moment,” Sinead explained to Love Meow, “but there was no way I could go on without her.”

CREDIT: Sinead Brooks @mami_and_morty

Mami was a timid girl with eyes that appeared to convey a story. She would hide under the toilet after moving into her new house and hiss at her people if they came too close. It took her a few weeks to feel confident enough to leave the restroom, but she did it!
Sinead worked tirelessly to teach the young girl to trust and love.

CREDIT: Sinead Brooks @mami_and_morty

“I’ve had cats my entire life and was always annoyed when she pretended to be afraid of me or a noise I made. However, we did a lot of research on wild cats and cat behavior and utilized it to better understand and aid her “Sinead informed Love Meow.

“Mami has really come out of her shell in the last six months.”

CREDIT: Sinead Brooks @mami_and_morty

Mami became acclimated to noises in the house and even learned to rest when her human mother worked from home.

She discovered that her humans weren’t that awful after all. Then, out of nowhere, Mami decided to snuggle.

CREDIT: Sinead Brooks @mami_and_morty

Mami summoned her bravery and extended her paw, pleading with her human for the affection she’d been longing for.

“When someone comes over, she no longer flees. In fact, she’s napping on the couch about two feet away from me right now! I’m not sure what sparked her interest, but she’s become lot more sociable, talkative, and loving with us and guests.”

CREDIT: Sinead Brooks @mami_and_morty
CREDIT: Sinead Brooks @mami_and_morty
CREDIT: Sinead Brooks @mami_and_morty
CREDIT: Sinead Brooks @mami_and_morty
CREDIT: Sinead Brooks @mami_and_morty
CREDIT: Sinead Brooks @mami_and_morty
CREDIT: Sinead Brooks @mami_and_morty
CREDIT: Sinead Brooks @mami_and_morty
CREDIT: Sinead Brooks @mami_and_morty
CREDIT: Sinead Brooks @mami_and_morty

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