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Dog Is Often Rejected Till This Woman Notices His Cuteness

Some individuals make snap judgments based on someone’s outward appearance, forgetting that what counts most is their inner beauty. Lucky is a dog who has been abandoned several times only to stand out from the crowd. Many people who witnessed his live couldn’t believe what they saw and passed up the chance to meet this lovely dog, but one person did.

Lucky was hatched in a hatchery and was deemed unsellable due to a facial abnormality. So he was sent to a shelter to find a home, but it was difficult because of the prejudice he faced as a result of his looks.

Dog is abandoned several times because of its appearance.

In her adoption process, she went through many houses, until finally arriving at a home near Austin, Texas, where it seemed her luck would change.

Despite the fact that he had found a permanent home, Lucky had a very sad and lonely life, as his owner did not want him at home. The woman had cats, so she kept Lucky outside; sometimes tied to a tree for days, without a bed and with little human contact.

The poor dog was even fed sparingly; he was ignored, mistreated, and abused, and he was never offered the affection he needed.

Finally, the family chose to surrender him to the shelter since they were about to relocate and did not want to take Lucky with them; it was clear that Lucky was not a family member.

The dog was again adopted, but it wasn’t long before his new family decided to abandon him back to the shelter. But then a social media post changed everything!

Lucky was taken to the hairdresser by a shelter volunteer, who got him ready for some pictures. When the photos were posted on social media, they caught the attention of the ideal person for Lucky: Jamie Hult, a volunteer buddy.

The woman was so affected by the dog’s story that she definitely wanted to meet him, and even better, she wanted to adopt him!

Jamie told IHeartdogs :

“It turned out to be someone in my dog ​​rescue world, so I immediately contacted him and said ‘I want that dog.’ I don’t even want to give him a foster home, I want to adopt that dog.

Unfortunately, Lucky was in terrible condition and required immediate veterinarian care due to heartworm illness. Jamie didn’t mind that the dog was emaciated and flea-infested; she adored him and would gladly open her pocketbook and heart to help him.

Lucky had a long way to go to recover from his diseases, but with the right medical help, he was able to do it quickly.

With a new home, a new life, and a new favorite person, the lovely canine gained a new name. It was known as “Beaux Tox.”

Jamie said:

“The reason I called it Beaux Tox is because it clearly looks like it needs botox, and that’s fine. We appreciate beauty in all its forms. And the dog bills cost me a fortune which is why I don’t have botox! ”

Everything has been happy and exciting for Jamie and Beaux Tox since they started living together. He is now a happy, healthy dog with a fantastic existence; the days of being chained to a tree, of pain and prejudice are long gone.

Beaux Tox will no longer be rejected for looking different from others, he just has to enjoy all the love that his human mother will give him.

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