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Firefighters Use Their Oxygen Masks To Save A Cat Trapped In A Burning Building

I’ve often wondered if the rumor that cats have nine lives is accurate. In ways we can’t explain, it appears like fate is frequently on their side. For one small kitten, I’m talking 3.4oz tiny, she ended up in the middle of the road with no sign of her mother.

Xena, on the other hand, was not only a tiny fighter despite her diminutive stature, but she also had a hero who assisted in her rescue. Hunter, a little kid, was with his grandfather when they came upon what they believed was a rock in the middle of the road near their home. But then they discovered it wasn’t a rock at all, but a small kitten in dire need of assistance.

Hunter acted quickly to save the life of this kitten, who was so little that her umbilical line was still connected to her body. Hunter made careful to feed her every two hours to keep her alive until his friend’s mother, Autumn, could arrive and take her in. Hunter is not just a savior for animals, but also a youngster with a golden heart!

Credits: The Spicy Bean on Facebook

Hunter knew the chances of survival were slim. But he did everything for the cat to live.

Credits: The Spicy Bean on Facebook

Her umbilical chord was still connected, her eyes were closed, and she was approximately the length of my finger! Her brows were singed on one side and she had a few scrapes. We suspect her mother concealed her beneath a car, which then drove away with her inside, causing her to fall out into the road).

Credits: The Spicy Bean on Facebook

The family had little experience with the kitten, but they immediately did an amazing job caring for it, getting up every two hours to feed and care for it.

Credits: The Spicy Bean on Facebook

She was a tiny little bean at first. But I always told her she was my Spicy Bean. She is actually named Xena (Warrior Princess). But we often call her Spicy Bean, said Hunter.

Credits: The Spicy Bean on Facebook

Xena has already gained weight and has been adapted by the Hunter family. She enjoys full health and is offered unconditional love.

Credits: The Spicy Bean on Facebook

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