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After The Kitten Is Born The Hair Starts To Fall Out The Parents Are Surprised With Who She Looks Like

When we think of cats, we usually think of cuddly tiny balls of fur that we can’t wait to snuggle. There is one cat, though, that has many cat owners baffled! That is, if they are ever fortunate enough to give birth to one. However, whenever the full moon appears, be cautious.

Gracie appeared to be a typical kitten when she was born, but she didn’t develop as quickly as her siblings and began to lose all of her fur.

Credit: Gradually Gracie

Brianna Waltman, a foster parent, has been caring for two pregnant cats that gave birth within a week of each other. This resulted in the birth of 12 kittens. They all appeared to be very identical at first, until one began to stand out a few days after birth.

After her fur began to come out, she was taken to the clinic and given the name Gracie. Brianna assumed it was caused by a high temperature!

Gradually Gracie

“I saw one was looking a bit fragile and losing hair, so I rushed her to the vet right away,” Briana explained. “I was informed she could have had a fever coat before, but she was otherwise well and healthy.”

Gracie turned out to be quite healthy, despite her odd appearance?

Credit: Gradually Gracie

“Gracie lost her whole coat and became bald for almost a week before peach fuzz began to come back in. It was a speckled black and white when it first started to grow. I thought it was adorable and assumed it was due to the sickness.”

“We were very worried about her health, but she started to feel better soon after and her hair began to regrow.” As she grew older, I couldn’t get over how strange she appeared and how different she was from her brothers and parents.”

Credit: Gradually Gracie

As a result, Brianna decided to conduct some research.

What she discovered was that Gracie was a Lykoi or Wolf cat with a simple natural genetic mutation.

Credit: Gradually Gracie

I saw a cat that looked similar, but I didn’t give it any thought. I tried to Google several sorts of cats with black and white peppered hair and bald faces as she matured, and ultimately realized out she was a wolfcat, or Lykoi as she was more correctly titled.”

“I’d also seen a couple cats who looked like the elder version of her in odd video clips on the internet.” She was, without a doubt, a wolf cat.”

Credit: Gradually Gracie


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“A wolf cat, properly known as a Lykoi, is an ordinary domestic cat that originates from a natural genetic mutation among wild cat colonies, which is where her parents originated from, according to my own study.” She has only one coat of fur and molts every 6 months.”

Like a wolf’s coat, her fur may be rubbed forward and backward. She has delicate skin, so keeping an eye on the grease and oil buildup around her face and feet will be very important.”

Credit: Gradually Gracie

Gradually, Gracie began to develop hair, albeit there were still a few little bald areas. Brianna was taken aback by how different she was from the rest of her litter!

“I still catch a whiff of her old baby aroma now and again, and I like it.” It’s most likely one of those strange mom things, haha. I want to kiss her, but she pushes my face away. “I’m enamored with her big, lovely eyes!”

Credit: Gradually Gracie

Wol fcats have only one coat of fur and shed far more than regular cats.

“She has the appearance of a werewolf, yet she is no different from any other house cat.” “I learned she was a naturally occurring genetic variant from the wild colony where her mother resided.”

Credit: Gradually Gracie

Gracie is now doing great and is in wonderful health. Her two favorite activities, like most kitties, are resting and playing!

” Whether she’s following the red dot or playing with the pointer itself, her laser pointer is her favorite toy.”

Credit: Gradually Gracie

“I recently published her tale on TikTok in videos, and she has since gone viral,” says the author. Her video has 6 million views and 1.1 million likes. She currently has 42k Instagram followers! That’s really fantastic!”

“We also discovered that wolfcats are worth roughly $3,000, so receiving a valuable cat for free is also really amazing!”
She isn’t really chatty. When I’m seated, she likes to come up to my feet and touch them, practically hugging them.

Gracie is a very happy, healthy cat, who loves and lives life to the fullest thanks to Brianna. Full moons haven’t proven to be a problem yet!

Look for Gracie on Instagram and here on TikTok to track her adventure.

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