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When A Stray Kitten Realizes He’s Safe He Falls Asleep In A Cyclist’s Backpack

Matea was bicycling home from work a few months ago when she came upon a little ball of fluff on the side of the road. As she got closer, she saw the fluff was a little stray kitten walking around alone at a busy crossing.

“People were simply strolling by and not even stopping,” Matea told The Dodo, “which made me understand he wasn’t going to get the treatment he needed.” “I’ve always had a soft heart for animals in need, and seeing him so little, roaming around with no one caring, I knew I had to act.”


Matea drove over to the side and approached the cat with caution. When she picked him up, though, he calmed in her arms, as if he was relieved that someone had recognized him. “He made no attempt to flee,” Matea stated. “Perhaps he recognized I was there to assist him.”

Matea stuffed the kitty into her rucksack, where he promptly settled comfortably. “When I initially placed him in a backpack, he was a little unhappy,” Matea recalled. “Shortly after, he got comfy on the dress I had in there, and he dozed off… I believe he recognized he was sleeping in a nice and secure environment.”


Matea gave the small tabby Gizmo a name at home and let him sleep in her rucksack, where he felt protected. Matea and her partner recognized the kitten’s poor health and drove him to the veterinarian, where he was checked, given fluids, dewormed, and flea-treated.


Gizmo quickly began to feel better, and his endearing personality began to come through.

“He’s like the Energizer Bunny,” Matea recalled, “jumping about, biting at your ankles, playing with his various toys.” “He’ll hop on my back now and then, as though he recalls that backpack ride the day I found him!”


Gizmo and Matea have rapidly established a pattern, and the small cat is constantly eager to be near his mother.

“When I wake up in the morning and when I go home from work, he enjoys snuggling up to me,” Matea said. “Every morning, we start with him napping in my lap for half an hour while I have my coffee.”


Matea now can’t imagine her life without Gizmo and is eternally glad that she stopped on that fateful day.

“I simply want my tale to inspire someone else to look out for the most vulnerable creatures and help in any way they can,” Matea said.

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