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Sweet Girl’s Wheelchair Prevents Her From Adopting A Cat, But These Two Souls Were Designed To Be Together

Beautiful things happen when the stars align and determined folks make providing joy to other souls a priority. The entire world was turned upside down for one shy cat on the streets of Florida. It wasn’t just one individual that helped this well-deserving feline. It was not his savior who rescued him from his destitute situation. It wasn’t the shelter’s fault that they didn’t take the time to match animals with the ideal family.

Credit: Lori Griggs

Kiley, you see, handles her motorized wheelchair deftly through life. Unfortunately, this may be a disturbing sound for sensitive kitty ears. Finding the appropriate companion cat for her, who was naturally wary, was proving to be a challenging task.

Credit: Lori Griggs

They went to many shelters, but the cats and kittens bolted as soon as they arrived. How can you console a youngster who has faced the world’s hardships with her head held high? When all she wants is to share her love with a kitty who brings harmony to the world.

Lori Griggs, her mother, had promised to find the cat and had told them about her problems on one of their visits. The Suncoast Animal League (SAL) in Palm Harbor, Florida, was the location this time. The rescue pledged to keep a lookout for any cats or kittens that could be a good fit after their visit.

Credit: Lori Griggs

Cat Man, a.k.a. Chris Poole Chris was busy taking care of the stray and feral cats in Hillsborough County and capturing them. He feeds and tends for wild cat colonies in a variety of locations every morning. To guarantee that they are all repaired and healthy, he works on TNVR (Trap/Neuter/Vaccinate/Return) programs.

Credit: Lori Griggs

Once Chris had gained the trust of the ivory cat, it was time to capture him and get him repaired. Ideally, he would be adopted out because of his demeanor and apparent absence of wild cat hostility. They dubbed the cat “Silver Sinatra Poole,” or Sinatra for the time being, with the support of his social media buddies.

“Then, when I introduced him to catnip and silver vine, he had an even larger breakthrough,” Chris told Love Meow. “He’d roll around and let me stroke his tummy and have a wonderful time in general.”

Credit: Lori Griggs

Chris, on the other hand, will capture as many cats as he can, but he does not have a rescue organization through which he may adopt them. Fortunately, he has built ties with a number of local groups, including the Suncoast Animal League.

As soon as Sinatra was safely inside, he began to display an unusually calm manner. He apparently performs a lot of “singing,” but he’s never had the kind of acoustics he has today indoors!

Credit: Lori Griggs

They quickly contacted Lori and informed her that the family could be adoptable. They wasted little time in setting up a visit, trying to be practical.

When they opened the door, Sinatra walked up to Kiley in her wheelchair with confidence. The white cat easily leapt up onto her lap and selected his person without hesitation. Yes, tears welled up in my eyes and full-body goosebumps swept over me as I typed that sentence.

Credit: Credit: Lori Griggs

The family realized he was precisely what they’d been looking for, with gaping mouths and tears all around. Sinatra was never supposed to be with anybody except Kiley.

Credit: Lori Griggs

It’s been almost a year, and the linked duo isn’t any changed, according to mom Lori. With the exception of Sinatra’s name, which has been renamed Richey.

Because we live in New Port Richey, my daughter nicknamed him “Richey.” Because he got the lottery, my spouse refers to him as “Richey Rich.” I call him “Richey” since he meowed “All Night Long” while Lionel Richie sung it his first few nights here.

Credit: Lori Griggs

He basically lets us do whatever we want with him. While I cut his nails, wipe his eyes, clean his nose, and even scrape his teeth, he lays patiently!

They are now laughing at the carefree youngster because he has developed a strange little quirk.

He adores them! When we cut our toe nails, it tries to devour them! When he hears the clippers, he comes running. Every morning, he cleans Kiley’s feet. He’s just a bizarre creature with a peculiar mind.

Credit: Lori Griggs

He is unconcerned with Kiley’s wheelchair. Because he doesn’t move, he’s given the moniker “speed bump.” Because Kiley is homeschooled, he is constantly there with her while she is at work. He watches her wheelchair while she is not in it.

Credit: Lori Griggs

He is always by Kiley’s side, checking on her or snuggling down to soothe her whenever she is angry or frustrated. He also spends the night with her.

Credit: Lori Griggs

Even though we have to leave the door wide open for her to drive through, he never attempts to get outside. I believe he adores the air conditioning. Thunder is the one thing that scares him. We check the radar to see how large the storm is if he flees and hides beneath the bed.

Credit: Lori Griggs

And because Dad is a firefighter, he restrains him when he rests in the mornings after a long and stressful shift.

Credit: Lori Griggs

Kiley has also taught him some tricks! He stands up, shakes his paws, and leaps from one chair to the next. The only thing that appears to be escaping the attractive gentleman is glass doors. However, I suppose that makes sense because they don’t have those on the streets (wink, wink). Those doors will be conquered by you, friend!

Richey is still figuring out how to use sliding glass doors and frequently wanders or runs into them.

Credit: Lori Griggs

Thank you to everyone who had a part in bringing these two fated hearts together!

Make sure to watch the whole thing down below!

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